Color Explorer

Color Explorer

This is a great site for designers (print or web) who are having color blockage at 2am, like me. What is Color Explorer? Simply put, ColorExplorer is an online toolbox for working with color palettes. Being a little more elaborate, the current site is the result of...
Vector Magic

Vector Magic

Easily Convert Bitmap Images To Clean Vector Art Automatically convert bitmap images like JPEGs, GIFs and PNGs to the crisp, clean, scalable vector art of EPS, SVG, and PDF with the world’s best auto-tracing software. Use the convenient service online by...
Shutterstock & Penske Media to Partner

Shutterstock & Penske Media to Partner

Variety Staff | Variety Shutterstock is teaming up with Penske Media Corporation to create and license images and videos of the biggest events in entertainment and fashion, the companies will announce Monday. The alliance combines the technology of one of the biggest...
2015 New Twitter Header Dimensions

2015 New Twitter Header Dimensions

By Pauline Cabrera | Twelveskip | Jan 01, 2015 As most of you may already know, Twitter has rolled out their brand new design for everyone and it looks like a lot of people loved the new changes. I initially disliked the idea of having a giant cover photo on my...

Lost Cat

This an insider graphic design joke, from Laura Earley’s blog, but if you are a designer, it’s SUPER Funny! Missing Missy: A Graphic Designers Responsibility Graphic designers are often thought of a resilient hard working individuals that at the drop of a...